Good Spanking Her Knee Spanking Kids Over The Knee, Good Idea Or Bad?

Spanking kids over the knee, good idea or bad? - good spanking her knee

Good idea


BabeHart said...

My parents than corporal punishment and be effective. We (the children) did not like. I see no problem with it ... Beat (beat, beat a child than the buttocks, etc. is another story).

Mouth with soap and restriction (2 weeks, no time) for good behavior are the 2 others for the trouble that we support.

Happy days said...

On your knees, bathroom. Spanking is not necessarily bad, but not necessarily the best idea is not. But I say if you should beat them, you just tough, but do not place them above the knee, it is demeaning. Something that is a sexual act between consenting adults should not be a proper punishment for the children!

Baily Marie said...

Children are trapped for years and has never been a problem
I think if you do not leave a wound and a beating is faster if the child did something really bad, so it's a good idea
me like a child turned out well

rachel m said...

Bad idea.
They should not teach your children, for fear that if they listen to beat them physically placed on the pain.
I think you should do to learn to respect, but deffinately not this way.

RandomCh... said...

Bad. Why do not you lessons in the words of the patient and the possible punishment?

BR said...

Studies have shown that reducing corporal IQ in children. It is also a cruel way to treat someone. Why not try a more humane approach.

SarahhSu... said...

They teach nothing that I would not accept the next time, and violence.
Talking to them is much better.

Bean said...

Bad idea.
Violence is imposed.

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