Sequence Of Construction Of A Concrete Wall What Is The Sequence Of Construction For A Reinforced Concrete Retaining Wall.?

What is the sequence of construction for a reinforced concrete retaining wall.? - sequence of construction of a concrete wall

1.Development wall disadvantages plated or packaged 2by4
2.tie half-inch steel vertical and horizontal, 12 "apart
3.tie wire reiforcement (but high) another wall 2by4 (s) and plywood, was well prepared
5. For concrete wall, with a tube Viberate cavities (holes in the end)


itsbob1 said...

Dig 1 shoes
2. Place reinforcing steel
3 Inspection of reinforcing steel
4 Basics of concrete paving with cylindrical
5 water or sand on the foot
6 Place the first page of formework
7, place reinforcing steel wall
8 Strengthening the examination prior to placement of the form 2
9 Place second form and secure
A special place on the 10 highlights the types
Strip 11 forms
12 psi concrete varify before loading
13 bags and patch --

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