Index Of(jpg)boobs Why Did This Scary Face Spot Appeared After The Dream?

Why did this scary face spot appeared after the dream? - index of(jpg)boobs

I have vitiligo (white spots) on the skin, about 12 when I dreamed of a blond boy dressed in white started to realize my dreams. It has always been one of those vivid dreams full of emotions. In this dream, we were on the roof of my house (the meetings are) are still being held at heights and I was talking in a foreign language, but you understand, I felt that this friendship all around me is alive and He laughed hard and suddenly, I touched his chest (not my breasts with his finger lol), just below my neck and I felt this strong feeling that she never felt loved before! It was very intense. The dream has ended and a month later will appereared white spots on the exact spot where I hit, and the strange thing is that these points is like a face of fear. Heres a picture: ...
My question is whether you think I have about this warning


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