Wedgie Fall Games Was It Wrong Or Right That My Hubby Gave A Democrat A Wedgie Today At The Mall?

Was it wrong or right that my hubby gave a Democrat a wedgie today at the mall? - wedgie fall games

Today we went to the mall and shopping area, which is a very patriotic thing to do, and these Democrats, there is a latte, a shirt and Impeach Bush read a copy of My Life by Bill Clinton. So my husband went and told him to stop sucking so much.

So the Democrats' Mind Your Own Business "said Pig." So, my husband, who fought and was wounded and captured in Panama PSTD DEM, he turned around and gave him a wedgie. A song is Sunday, when the undead take someones shoulder height.

Well, "cried the DEM and let the cup and then let his pants down, and everyone was laughing at him as he tried to flee with his pants around their ankles. It was fun. But then came a guard and Sayd, "Sir, you should not have done that the next time you call us and we will do it for you."

It has been good or bad?


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